Applications include household energy storage

February 27,2024

The characteristics of household energy storage:

Household energy storage can effectively achieve energy conversion and storage, solve the imbalance between distributed generation and load, improve the stability and utilization rate of renewable energy generation, achieve "spontaneous self use" at the user end, and save electricity costs. Due to the uncertainty of renewable energy weather and lighting factors, the power system often needs to have flexible adjustment capabilities to cope with power fluctuations. As a part of distributed energy, household energy storage systems can provide power support during unstable electricity and store energy when electricity supply exceeds demand.

Classification of household energy storage:

Classified, it can include both grid connected household energy storage systems and off grid household energy storage systems. Grid connected household energy storage systems can be used to supply power to household loads from the grid or transmit power from the household storage system to the grid. Off grid household energy storage systems, on the other hand, have no electrical connection to the grid and are suitable for remote areas without a grid, such as islands. The difference lies in whether they are connected to the grid.

The prospect of household storage market:

The policy stimulates the development of household photovoltaics and improves the distribution and storage rate. European countries actively introduce policies to encourage users to install rooftop photovoltaics, including tax reductions, grid electricity prices, and purchase subsidies, which help maintain the growth momentum of photovoltaic installation. Moreover, the policy is inclined towards photovoltaic distribution and storage, which will further enhance the combination of household photovoltaics and energy storage to form photovoltaic household storage.

Solar energy storage system:

Utilize solar photovoltaic panels to convert solar energy into electricity, and store excess energy through energy storage systems for future use. This system can be used for energy storage in household photovoltaic power generation systems to achieve self-sufficient energy supply.

Wind energy storage system:

Wind energy is converted into electricity through wind power generation equipment, and then stored through energy storage systems. This system can be used for energy storage in household wind power generation systems to cope with unstable wind conditions and ensure continuous power supply.

Energy storage appliances:

Embedding energy storage technology into household appliances, such as energy storage air conditioners and refrigerators, to enable them to have energy storage functions and provide continuous power supply in the event of unstable grid voltage or power outages, improving the stability and reliability of household electricity consumption.

Home Energy Management System (HEMS):

Through an intelligent home energy management system, monitoring, control, and optimization scheduling of household energy can be achieved, including the management of solar energy, wind energy, battery energy storage, and other energy sources, in order to achieve efficient utilization and conservation of energy.

Microgrid system:

Integrating multiple energy and energy storage devices (such as batteries, solar energy, wind energy, etc.) into a microgrid system to achieve efficient scheduling and management of energy within the microgrid, improve energy utilization efficiency and power supply reliability.

Urban energy storage projects:

Design and construct systems that can store large-scale energy in response to the demand for urban energy supply, including urban energy storage stations, battery energy storage systems, etc., to meet the peak shaving, valley shaving, and emergency backup needs of urban energy.

The above are some of the main projects of Zhongke Shenlan Huize in household energy storage application projects, covering multiple fields, aiming to provide users with more stable, efficient, and clean energy solutions.